Saturday, September 4, 2021


I used the FDA's teaching trailer online course to further research trailers. Using resources on the website such as the Booksmart trailer, I have filled in the table shown above. In addition I have began to consider the impact of a successful trailer on a film's marketing campaign.  

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign? 

Convergent links such as social media links as well as film formats and merchandise are major elements in in a film marketing campaign. For Black Panther, their grass roots campaign escalated the film into success. Celebrities praised the film makers who organised for the Harlem girl and Boy Scouts to see the film. Through social media, the film grew in popularity and a 'hype' around the film was created. The hashtag; blackpanther trended on twitter globally. Another major element of a film marketing campaign is star appearance. The 'big names' in Black Panther also made the film seem more appealing due to the star-credit of the actors in the films.  

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign? 

It is very likely that a production team will choose to publish their film trailer on Youtube. This platform is free and accessible to everyone. For films like Black Panther, the convergent link is also available on the website. In addition, the film can also be found on the Disney and Marvel website. Hosting a fashion show  was a unique marketing campaign for Black Panther as it drew a-lot of attention on social media. Magazine articles and radio interviews are also examples of different parts of a marketing campaign. 

3. What factors make you want to go and see the film and how do you decide which films to see? 

Inclusivity is important in film. Ensuring that roles are distributed fairly is essential for me when watching a film. I like watching films with a story line and one that contains meaning. Added value is created in a film where the audience are able to sympathise with the characters on-screen. Beautiful cinematography is another aspect which makes me intrigued to watch a film. Overall, an impactful and cohesive story is key. 

  1917, Selma, Bugsy Malone, Bridge to Terabithia

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