Friday, September 17, 2021


It is important to consider when a film trailer should be shown to the audiences. The aim is to create excitement and a buzz surrounding the trailer. However, if released too early, the audiences may have forgotten about the film by the time it is released. 

For discussion: 

  • The trailers are designed to create a 'buzz' around the film. What do you think will be the main talking points from these trailers? 

The main talking points will likely revolve around the story plot. Online forums often discuss their theories surrounding the details of the storyline and film predictions. For Toy story 4, it is likely that toy story fans will be feeling nostalgic. This feeling is heightened by 'God only knows' by Beach boys playing in the background of the trailer. The idea of old school music and 'old friends' creates a senses of familiarity. Not only is Toy story made to appeal for younger audiences, but for those that watched the original toy story as a young child, their inner child may be drawn to the film. 

Another talking point, is the role of Little Bo Peep. In contrast with the original film where she is portrayed as a damsel in distress, we see her as a hero in the Toy story 4 trailer. This character development is a strong talking point before the film release. This character role is also designed to inspire young girls to be brave and independent. 

  • Most of the film trailers on this site are due to be released in the UK over the spring and summer months. From the trailers you have seen, why do you think the distributors have chosen this time of year to release these films? 
For Toy Story 4, it is effective to release the film in the summer. Alongside the Beach Boy's soundtrack, a summer atmosphere is created through the action on screen. A fun fair and sunny weather connotes ideas of a summer holiday. Therefore, the producers chose to coincide the release with school summer holidays.

A nostalgic atmosphere is again created through the camper van heading off into the sunset. This will resonate with audiences young and old, reminding them of their own holidays.  

Film example 2: 

This film has a unique selling point. A world where everyone forgets about the Beatles existence apart from one man creates for a comedic and light-hearted story line. The open ended trailer will leave audiences with many unanswered question, such as, why has the word forgotten some of the best musicians of all time? and will they ever remember them? In addition, Ed Sheeran's star feature will leave the audience feeling hyped and excited for the prospect of this star packed film. 

The main talking point is likely to be the music soundtracks in the trailer. Similarly to Toy Story's Beach Boys soundtrack, the sound of the Beatles will feel nostalgic for older audiences who miss the hype surrounding old school style music. The Yesterday film have taken a modern twist on the music which has a similar effect in the film 'Blinded by the Light' by Gurinder Chadha.

The film also has a 'summer feel'. For example, some of the scenes are shot at the beach in LA. Combined with the sunny weather, the upbeat tempo of the Beatles music creates for a sunny theme. It  creates a summer feel-good festival ambience. 

Film example 3: 
The Brink 

This film will stimulate talking points as it is based on real life political events. The film acts as a documentary following a nationalist far-right wing candidate. The protagonist is presented as a villain who appears to lure in liberal-film makers for suckers as a charming-twinkly eyed politician. The Guardian journalist Paul Lewis is presented as the hero of the film alongside other left-wing journalists who see through the sweet talk of the Nationalist opposition. 

I turned to Peter Bradshaw of the Guardian to learn more about the film. I read the article after my first viewing of the trailer. Bradshaw scorned the right-wing protagonist, and as a left wing writer it is evident that he would've scorned at the events unfolding in the trailer and the rising fascism presented. Bradshaw rated the film 4**** but felt the film was untrusting and could be viewed as a fly on the wall. The director only observed, not interrogated. It does not offer up tough questions it just provides evidence with how a far-right politicians thinks. 

The time of year the film is released is less important for this film. One thing that should be considered though is when are the elections, and should the film line up with this to create more buzz. The trailer would have created a buzz for those interested in politics. However, for other audiences, it is unlikely that this would interest them as it includes political topics that are hard to comprehend.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021



From watching Dan Skinner, I have understood that there are different factors required in order to successfully market a film. 

  • Teaser trailers have little structure but acts as the first marketing strategy for the film (creating hype!)
  •  The main trailer generally has a 3 act structure, the 3rd act often includes a large montage. It will very often include star talent, the production company etc etc. This is the key piece of movie marketing that directors use to sell the film. 
  • It is much more important to be diligent with how sound is used within a space in a cinema, and how the sound also is used through mobile devices. When using a big canvas, you can tell much more of a story by focusing the action on certain aspects on the big screen. This is more difficult on a laptop or phone. 
  • Distributors now cut trailers specifically for hand held devices. 


 I further explored the FDA teaching resources website to understand exactly where trailers are shown. 


Trailers in different media 

Read and discuss the following statements about trailers in different media. Decide which box on the chart you think each statement belongs in and write in the appropriate letter. Some statements can be used more than once. 

1.   When people watch TV they do not usually concentrate during the adverts. 

2.   This format allows viewers to comment in writing on trailers and join in discussions about the prospective film. 

3.   More people watch TV than go to the cinema. 

4.   A trailer for an 18 Certificate film that is cut for a general viewing audience could be dissatisfying for older audiences. 

5.   DVDs are watched over and over again. 

6.   Unofficial uploads of trailers to user-generated websites (e.g. YouTube) break copyright. 

7.   People often fast-forward DVDs to the start of the film. 

8.   Posting links to trailers significantly boosts viewing figures. 

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Agree Statements 

Disagree Statements 



1, 2


1, 3



1, 2, 6


5, 7

1, 2

Social Media 

2, 8



1.    Which of the statements above do you think is the most and least significant? 

‘When people watch TV they do not usually concentrate during the adverts.’ – In my opinion this is the most significant statement. Without people paying attention to film promotions, it is difficult to get people’s attention and to build an interest in the film. The marketing team must find another strategy in order to guarantee that audiences will pay attention to their film. 

‘DVDs are watched over and over again.’ – This is the least significant statement as the sales of DVDs in the last 10 years have decreased rapidly. Now, it is much more likely that audiences will re-watch films on streaming sites such as Netflix. 


2.    Taking into account all the points above, where do you think is the most effective place to show a trailer in order to promote a film? Give reasons for your answer. 

I think the most effective place to show a trailer is on social media. As social media platforms are popular with all audience groups, this is a great way to promote a film. With the use of pop-up ads on sites such as snapchat, people have no choice but to view a short snippet of a film. This builds interest, and if marketed successfully; hype will be stimulated around the film. 



Monday, September 13, 2021


From researching why is a film trailer made on the Economic Times website, I have understood that trailers can be used as a key marketing strategy to attract audiences. 

The article, written by Shephali Bhatt, discusses how a trailer is the 'single biggest determinant of how well a movie will be received during an opening weekend.' Trailers are especially important for films which do not cast top-paying actors. The trailers can be seen as a 'make-or-break' feature of a marketing campaign as a trailer that goes wrong wastes potentially two years of time that a producer has spent on the film and trailer in two minutes. Binni Pada who has been making trailers for over 18 years reinforces their significance. The stakes of trailers are high and generating interest through trailers is an integral part of a marketing campaign.

Sunday, September 5, 2021


Saturday, September 4, 2021






I used the FDA's teaching trailer online course to further research trailers. Using resources on the website such as the Booksmart trailer, I have filled in the table shown above. In addition I have began to consider the impact of a successful trailer on a film's marketing campaign.  

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign? 

Convergent links such as social media links as well as film formats and merchandise are major elements in in a film marketing campaign. For Black Panther, their grass roots campaign escalated the film into success. Celebrities praised the film makers who organised for the Harlem girl and Boy Scouts to see the film. Through social media, the film grew in popularity and a 'hype' around the film was created. The hashtag; blackpanther trended on twitter globally. Another major element of a film marketing campaign is star appearance. The 'big names' in Black Panther also made the film seem more appealing due to the star-credit of the actors in the films.  

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign? 

It is very likely that a production team will choose to publish their film trailer on Youtube. This platform is free and accessible to everyone. For films like Black Panther, the convergent link is also available on the website. In addition, the film can also be found on the Disney and Marvel website. Hosting a fashion show  was a unique marketing campaign for Black Panther as it drew a-lot of attention on social media. Magazine articles and radio interviews are also examples of different parts of a marketing campaign. 

3. What factors make you want to go and see the film and how do you decide which films to see? 

Inclusivity is important in film. Ensuring that roles are distributed fairly is essential for me when watching a film. I like watching films with a story line and one that contains meaning. Added value is created in a film where the audience are able to sympathise with the characters on-screen. Beautiful cinematography is another aspect which makes me intrigued to watch a film. Overall, an impactful and cohesive story is key. 

  1917, Selma, Bugsy Malone, Bridge to Terabithia

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