Wednesday, October 6, 2021


  1. The name of our film: TRU 2 U 
  2. The name of our Production Company and our co-production companies: TFL Productions and star studios 
  3. The name of the director that will appear in our trailers: Laura Souter 
  4. The name of the 2-3 main actors that will appear in our trailers: Bianca, Ethan, Lara  
  5. (Optional)  "From the director of..."CYNIC
  6. The names of the film festivals where our film will be screened at Puglia festival of love, Venice film festival, London film festival 
  7. Pull quotes from reviews etc; wording: The Times, 'witty, brilliant and down-right jolly'  'beautiful coming of age story'
  8. Our location recce - take photos and collate in an attractive way + written explanation
  9. Our target audience: teenage girls 
  10. Social groups and issues in our film... students, young people, romantic high school relationships, coming of age, finding your true self
  11.     11. Our social media - write down decisions about who is taking responsibility for which platforms: Instagram - Fia, Twitter- Lulah, Facebook- Laura
  12. Our music - we researched (this type of music) as the background track... and narrowed down our choice to include The Real Me by Alexis
  13. Our call sheets are being written by ... Laura
  14. Make your storyboard
  15. how you plan to frame shots - identify establishing shot, wide shots, two- shots, three-shots, CUs, ECUs,
  16. words of any other inter titles
  17. release date - decide on wording: 1/07/22

1 comment:

Welcome Be Welcome GIF from Welcome GIFs Tallulah Duffy 1823 I worked with Laura Souter 1860 and Fia Brown 1802 Our brief option 2: My ...